Alex, I heve the following problem(s):
Problem 1:
I use a table like this:
ID ReaderShort ReaderName BookTitle
10 AZ Alex Zencovich A
4 AZ Alex Zencovich B
11 AZ Alex Zencovich C
12 AZ Alex Zencovich E
3 BvdP Bas van de Pavert B
6 BvdP Bas van de Pavert D
7 BvdP Bas van de Pavert F
8 BvdP Bas van de Pavert H
9 BvdP Bas van de Pavert J
15 MM Marylin Monroe W
5 MM Marylin Monroe X
13 MM Marylin Monroe Y
14 MM Marylin Monroe Z
In the cube I have dimensions: ReaderShort,Readername,Booktitle
I actvate the cube and put the dims on the ROW side.
Click [+] for AZ --> AZ expands to Alex Zencovich
Click [+] for Alex Zencovich --> Collapse instead of expand
If you click [+] for whole column then it works, but cannot collapse [+] should change to [-].
Problem2: (Related to problem 1 ??)
I use this code:
var iR,iC:integer;
for iR:=0 to MainForm.PivotMap1.RowCellsCount-1 do
ShowMessage('Row: '+IntToStr(iR)+CrLf+
'RowCaption: '+MainForm.PivotMap1.RowCells[iR].Caption);
I find that for RowCells[0] AND RowCells[1] both show a caption of 'AZ' while if the second dimension has more than one cells then
RowCells[1] shows the correct caption.
Please help