There was several email I got about problem with registering of zCube.dll in MS Windows Vista.
Yes. It is true.
Problem really exists, if you will run regsvr32.exe zCube.dll you may get error message like
'Module zCube.dll was loaded but there was unable to call DllRegisterServer, error code 0x80004005'
This error message mean nothing for zCube.dll. It is Vista security message (very informative? ) which mean 'Access denied' or 'You have not rights to run this command'(in normal words)
To solve problem you may do the next
way A
1. Go to Windows start menu
2. Find menu item "command prompt" and make right click
3. Select menu item "Run as Administratior" (it is not just a joke - even if you login is Administrators group member, you have not corresponding rights!)
4. Run Command prompt as Adiminstartor
5. Locate directory where zCube.dll placed (do you remember how to navigate in MS DOS? It will very useful knowledge within MS Windows Vista - latest step of software technology )
5 Run regsvr32.exe zCube.dll. Now it will successful because you have corresponding rights.
way B
Turn off User Account Control
1. Go to Control panel=>User Accounts->Turn User Account Control on or off.
2. Uncheck checkbox on panel (You may got BSOD screen after that, don't worry - it is Windows )
3. Reboot your PC.
4. Run PivotCube installation or call regsvr32.exe zCube.dll from command prompt
After install you may turn it on.
PS Sorry for some sarcasm. But Vista security really just a nasty for usual, every day work.