I downloaded the latest version from my registered link (full source) today and I get the following when compiling the Delphi7 pivotcube.dpk: Anyone else had trouble?
[Warning] Cube.pas(1457): Comparing signed and unsigned types - widened both operands
[Error] Cube.pas(1563): Incompatible types: 'IStream' and 'TStreamAdapter'
[Error] Cube.pas(1724): Undeclared identifier: 'Write'
[Warning] Cube.pas(1724): Comparing signed and unsigned types - widened both operands
[Error] Cube.pas(1730): Undeclared identifier: 'Write'
[Warning] Cube.pas(1730): Comparing signed and unsigned types - widened both operands
[Error] Cube.pas(1736): Undeclared identifier: 'Write'
[Warning] Cube.pas(1736): Comparing signed and unsigned types - widened both operands
[Error] Cube.pas(1749): Undeclared identifier: 'Write'
[Warning] Cube.pas(1749): Comparing signed and unsigned types - widened both operands
[Error] Cube.pas(1790): Undeclared identifier: 'Write'
[Warning] Cube.pas(1790): Comparing signed and unsigned types - widened both operands
[Error] Cube.pas(1793): Incompatible types: 'MSXML2_TLB.IStream' and 'ActiveX.IStream'
[Error] Cube.pas(1796): Incompatible types: 'MSXML2_TLB.IStream' and 'ActiveX.IStream'
[Error] Cube.pas(1930): Undeclared identifier: 'Read'
[Warning] Cube.pas(1930): Comparing signed and unsigned types - widened both operands
[Error] Cube.pas(1938): Undeclared identifier: 'Read'
[Warning] Cube.pas(1938): Comparing signed and unsigned types - widened both operands
[Error] Cube.pas(1946): Undeclared identifier: 'Read'
[Warning] Cube.pas(1946): Comparing signed and unsigned types - widened both operands
[Error] Cube.pas(1968): Undeclared identifier: 'Read'
[Warning] Cube.pas(1968): Comparing signed and unsigned types - widened both operands
[Error] Cube.pas(2143): Undeclared identifier: 'Read'
[Warning] Cube.pas(2143): Comparing signed and unsigned types - widened both operands
[Error] Cube.pas(2147): Incompatible types: 'MSXML2_TLB.IStream' and 'ActiveX.IStream'
[Error] Cube.pas(2151): Incompatible types: 'MSXML2_TLB.IStream' and 'ActiveX.IStream'
[Error] Cube.pas(9065): Undeclared identifier: 'Write'
[Warning] Cube.pas(9065): Comparing signed and unsigned types - widened both operands
[Error] Cube.pas(9069): Incompatible types: 'MSXML2_TLB.IStream' and 'ActiveX.IStream'
[Error] Cube.pas(9073): Incompatible types: 'MSXML2_TLB.IStream' and 'ActiveX.IStream'
[Error] Cube.pas(9458): Undeclared identifier: 'Read'
[Warning] Cube.pas(9458): Comparing signed and unsigned types - widened both operands
[Error] Cube.pas(9461): Incompatible types: 'MSXML2_TLB.IStream' and 'ActiveX.IStream'
[Error] Cube.pas(9464): Incompatible types: 'MSXML2_TLB.IStream' and 'ActiveX.IStream'
[Fatal Error] BinaryCube.pas(153): Could not compile used unit 'Cube'