I have bought PivotCube 7.0 with sources. I've made bpk project by myself and compiled pivotcube.bpl using Borland C++Builder 5.0. All components work fine in my C++ application with one exception:
When I click drop down arrow on a measure button I receive "Control '' has no parent window" message and the window is not displayed. I tried to debug it, and the call stack is the following:
TPVMeasureButton.BtnClick -> TMeasureCommonForm.Load -> CalcTypeCB.Items.Add
The exception occurs somwhere in TWinControl class, and it seems like the code tries to add items to "CalcTypeCB" ComboBox before the "Parent" property is assigned to this control. "Parent" is assigned in TMeasureCommonForm.FormCreate so it looks like TMeasureCommonForm.Load is called earlier than TMeasureCommonForm.FormCreate.
This problem doesn't occur on dimension buttons.
The same problem is when I click TPivotGrid.WMLButtonDown. It calls TPivotMap.ExecuteMeasureManager and stops in TMeasureCommonForm.Load
Any idea what is wrong?