PivotCube VCL v and PivotCubeX v 3.30.1

Moderator: Alex Zencovich

PivotCube VCL v and PivotCubeX v 3.30.1

Postby AlexZencovich » Tue Sep 12, 2006 5:28 pm


New version of PivotCube components uploaded

New in this version

1. Added 2 new views - RowOwnerPercent and ColumnOnwerPercent. These view will show value percentage related not to common row or column total (like RowPercent or ColumnPercent) but to corresponding dimension item owner (outer dimension or hierarchy owner)

Please note - LNG values list changed. 3 new lines added

2.Drill and Dice performance noticeably improved (in 2-3 times, espcially if huge data volume loaded - more than 1,000,000 of rows in extended mode)

3. Added procedure TPivotCube.CheckLng(Strings : TStrings) which check currently loaded LNG data with predefined(original) set and fill parameter Strings with difference. If parameter is nil, then procedure fill unexisted LNG strings with their original values


(from private update at Aug 13,2006)
1. AV on Measure manager form's close in Delphi5
2. Incorrect value for "Measure"[RUNNING_TOTAL_BY_xxx] in calc. measures for column/row totals
3. AV on attempt to get "Measure"[RANK_BY_xxx] in calc measures
4. Could not expand dimension items if dimension has moved from columns to rows(or back) and it became first dimension in order.
5 Could not show non-existed dimension item combinations when HideEmptyXXXX is False

(new fix)
6. Various problems related to work with calculated measures when non-VALUE views used

You may download latest build at
http://pivotcube.com/files/pivotcubevcl.exe PivotCube VCL
http://pivotcube.com/files/pivotcubex.exe PivotCubeX

Registered customers may use their links to download updates.
Best regards,

Alex Zencovich
www.pivotcube.com - OLAP solution for Delphi, C++ Builder and ActiveX environment
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