PivotCubeX v 3.20.1

Moderator: Alex Zencovich

PivotCubeX v 3.20.1

Postby AlexZencovich » Sun Jul 09, 2006 8:53 pm

New version of PivotCube ActiveX uploaded


1. MapSave, MapSaveToStream, MapSaveToXML methods now have new parameter SaveDimensionData (default=True). It will enable/disable ave dimension item values into saved map.
I hope ity will help to solve problem with loading old map with new cube data when information stored in dimension very changed from saved in map.

2. Some new methods and properties added to help work with Map information.

.MapRowDimCount - number of dimensions placed on row side of map(slice)
.MapColumnDimCount - same for columns

.MapRowDimension[Index : integer] : String - return AliasName of dimension placed on rows by Index.
.MapColumnDimension[Index : integer] : String - same fo columns

.MapRowCellCount - count of cells in row (number of rows)
.MapColumnCellCount - same for columns.

.MapGetRowCellInfo(CellIndex: Integer; var DimIndex: Integer; var ItemID: Integer; var Key: OleVariant; var Caption: WideString; var ItemCount: Integer; var NodeCount: Integer) - return information fro header cell by row cells index where
    CellIndex - index of cell in Row header
    DimIndex - index of dimension in OLAP Cube
    ItemID - internal ID of dimension item used for current Cell
    Key - value provided as KeyField value in FactTable for given dimension item
    Caption - string representation of Cell. Same as showed in PivotGrid header
    ItemCount - number of items from inner dimension (if any).
    NodeCount - number of items in current dimension for which current cell is hierarchy owner.

.MapGetColumnCellInfo(CellIndex: Integer; var DimIndex: Integer; var ItemID: Integer; var Key: OleVariant; var Caption: WideString; var ItemCount: Integer; var NodeCount: Integer) - same for columns

You may download lates build at http://pivotcube.com/files/pivotcubex.exe
Best regards,

Alex Zencovich
www.pivotcube.com - OLAP solution for Delphi, C++ Builder and ActiveX environment
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