problem with logic and cube

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problem with logic and cube

Postby alexhaifa » Thu Aug 23, 2007 8:42 pm


I am having problem when I try to work with my cube. I am trying to find a solution together
with your component but I am not reaching what I need.
Let me explain what I am trying to do.

I have a table that is my fact table with these fields

Supplier - products - Quantity of Sales - group

I have in my measure the quantity of sales.

See this example

Supplier - products - Quantity of Sales - group
abax - 4512 - 1 - A
abax - 4512 - 1 - B
abax - 4512 - 1 - C
abax - 4512 - 1 - D
roy - 7485 - 2 - C
roy - 7485 - 2 - A
roy - 7485 - 2 - B

As you can see above, I have two suppliers and two products, the total of sale of my product 4512 is 1 and not
4, because I can have this product 4512 in 4 different groups but the quantity of sale is only one.

When I change the view of my cube to the information be displayed this way:

Group - supplier - product the result of sale for each product is displayed correctly
but when I analyse this way
Only product I have a wrong quantity

How can I work around ?
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Postby AlexZencovich » Fri Aug 24, 2007 4:51 am

I'm nt sure what you are expects, but if you show only products you should have something like

4512 4
7485 6

because group is another dimension, so you may drill down to group from produuct and get

4512 A 1
4512 B 1
4512 C 1
4512 D 1

If you strongly want to see each product as unique for group - you should combine product and group in single dimension, like


in cube build stage, probably in SQL like select ware = field1 + field2 from table

but actualy I think you lost OLAP preferences to see in various slices including total in group total across group total ware without group details etc
Best regards,

Alex Zencovich
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - OLAP solution for Delphi, C++ Builder and ActiveX environment
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