PivotCube VCL and PivotCubeX uploaded

Moderator: Alex Zencovich

PivotCube VCL and PivotCubeX uploaded

Postby AlexZencovich » Sun Dec 21, 2008 8:41 pm

New builds uploaded.

Fixed and changed

1. PivotCube VCL TPivotGrid.CreateDropDownchart procedure parameters changed to provide better flexibility with chart background gradients

TPVCharDDForm properties added

property ChartBackgroundStartColor : TColor read FChartBackgroundStartColor write SetChartBackgroundStartColor;
property ChartBackgroundEndColor : TColor read FChartBackgroundEndColor write SetChartBackgroundEndColor;
property ChartType : TChartSeriesClass read FChartType write SetChartType;
property AllowGradient : boolean read FAllowGradient write SetAllowGradient;

use event handler TPivotGrid.OnDDChartCreated to handle these properties at runtime.

2. PivotCubeX procedure AboutBox fixed
Best regards,

Alex Zencovich
www.pivotcube.com - OLAP solution for Delphi, C++ Builder and ActiveX environment
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