New builds has not visual interface changes but mostle internal structures are changed. RAM occupation decreased in 1.5-2 times. Saved cube files (binary) decreased in 3-4 times, depending on cube size.
RAM ocuppation diffrence between Standard and Extended modes became minimal.
TPivotChart.OnBeforeCreateSeries event fixed to allow chnage series type at runtime and get sevral different series in single chart
Fixed bugs
1. An empty(no records related) NULL items in dimensions after several load-update cycles.
2. Row/Column percents fixed (show 100% for zero cells)
3. ExportToXLS fixed (wrong dimension caption in several dimensions placed)
Bad news:

Binary and XML file structure changed make old cubes unloadable in new build.
Owners of source packages may find earlier version of zCube.dll in VCLSource\Runtime\OLD subdirectory. It has fix for (2).
Sorry for inconvenienc but internal changes was so large so we were unable to keep compatibility.