Exporting DATES to Excel

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Exporting DATES to Excel

Postby anaves » Thu Mar 01, 2007 3:06 pm

There is a weird behavior ( BUG ? ) when exporting DATES to Excel in a machine with Portuguese Language and date format as dd/mm/yyyy.
1- If the DAY of a exported date is less than 12, cells in Excel are exported as date but having mm/dd/yyyy as format.
2- If the DAY of a exported date is greather then 12, cells in Excel are exported as GENERAL format as "dd/mm/yyyy ".
Changing the machine configuration to American English and date format to mm/dd/yyyy the exported dates are always in dd/mm/yyyy, but still days until 12 exported as dates and greather then 12 as GENERAL format.
I've tried dd-mm-yyyy format and the behavior was the same.

Please let me know if I can help in any way.
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Joined: Mon Oct 30, 2006 2:06 pm

Postby AlexZencovich » Thu Mar 01, 2007 4:31 pm

I do not sure if it possible. I have read much internet forums related to that problem. It is known and old problem with MS Excel. There si only one way out - open excel table and change column type to string then back to date. But it cannot be done from export routine because it is very complex understand when dimension is date. I will try to see if this is possible but if dimension has custom groups it may break export
Best regards,

Alex Zencovich
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