Problem with PivotCubeViewer.exe

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Problem with PivotCubeViewer.exe

Postby stefan1172 » Thu Oct 09, 2008 7:27 am


we're looking for Olap solution with Delphi 2005. So I want to try the pivotcubesolution. I downloaded the trial version. The demo runs. Now I want to make a new cube.

I started the PivotCubeViewer.exe and went to Build -> New structures wizzard. The Database Dialog with BDE / ADO / dbexpress / Interbase was shown. I decided for dbexpress and MSSQL and make next. The programm was looking for dbxdrivers.ini in the programm directory and made a misstake. So I took my dbxdrivers.ini in the Programm Directory. The error Message was the same.

After that I tried ADO with ODBC. I wrote the correct connction string in the field I could connect to the database. I inserted the sql command and I got the dialog with dimensions / measures aso. Now I wanted to click "NEXT". But I got the error Message: Listindex out of Bounds (-1)

What is wrong ?

Best regards

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Joined: Thu Oct 09, 2008 7:11 am

Re: Problem with PivotCubeViewer.exe

Postby AlexZencovich » Thu Oct 09, 2008 6:35 pm

1. Please note - PivotCubeViewer is demo app not end-user tool so do not expect a much form that
2. I suppose you have not define dimensions or measures (Cube require at least 1 dimension AND 1 measure). In that case, clik on <Prev> and chnage configuration
Best regards,

Alex Zencovich
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - OLAP solution for Delphi, C++ Builder and ActiveX environment
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